About our Partners
This page is all about brilliant minds and the work they believe in.
Hari Abburi is a Global Executive and consults with CEOs, Chief Transformation Officers, Chief Digital Officers and Chief HR Officers on agility for strategy, leadership and organisation. Hari believes that strategy in this new world has to be driven by multi-industry influences. This makes every company a technology, data and a platform business.
Dr Peter C. Evans is the Managing Partner for Platform Strategy Institute and Co-Chair of the Platform Strategy Summit. He […]
Focused on changing the status quo of work, and Founder of Whirling Chief, a global digital collaboration & learning platform, championing humanity into the global workplace. She is Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, HR Functional Leader, Leadership and Transformation Researcher
Rajan works in the area of Business Enablement and Leap frogging Organizations to the next orbit of growth